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About pianissimo

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So far has created 120 blog entries.


By |Dezember 3rd, 2017|

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By |Dezember 3rd, 2017|

kurz                                 –             lange

dick                                 –             dünn

dumm                             –            klug, schlau, intelligent

gut                                   –            schlecht

angenehm                      –             unangenehm

sympathisch                  –             unsympathisch

faire                                –              unfair

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By |November 30th, 2017|

Bauer                                         Landwirt

Null-Grad-Grenze                   Gefrierpunkt

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Stadt der Romantik – romantische Literatur

By |November 12th, 2017|

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By |Oktober 15th, 2017|

Definite and Indefinite Article

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adverb da..

By |Oktober 15th, 2017|

„what oder which

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colloquial speech

By |Oktober 15th, 2017|

-ig ending is pronounced „-ich“

richtig        –          richtich

wichtig       –          wichtich

König         –          Könich

Sp- and St- at the beginning of a word or syllable is pronounced „Schp…“   „Scht…“:

Schtraße, Schprache,  schprechen

the en- ending of a word or syllable is pronounced  „-n“:


the er-ending is pronounced with a very weak „a“

Butter       –      Butta

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verb + prp obj

By |Oktober 14th, 2017|

German Grammar: Verb + Preposition

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v + prp obj

By |Oktober 14th, 2017|

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Believe it or not!

By |Oktober 5th, 2017|


The English adverbs – most of them – have an ly-tag: beautifully, thoroughly, hastily.

There are German words ending on -lich. But even they are not adverbs!

The difference between German adjectives and adverbs is Zero: „Die Maschine ist laut“ vs „Sie singt laut“.

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