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About pianissimo

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So far has created 120 blog entries.

alle Deutsch-Studenten

By |April 4th, 2020|

Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

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irreg 2

By |Februar 14th, 2018|

irreg 2

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belive it or …

By |Januar 7th, 2018|

Adverbs and adjectives have the same shape!  Other than English there is no -ly -tag with the German adverbs.

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believe it or not

By |Januar 7th, 2018|

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parts of speech

By |Januar 7th, 2018|

5000 German Words (top 87%)
German Adjectives
German Adverbs

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By |Januar 3rd, 2018|

BMW              Bayrische Motorenwerke             Bavarian Motor Works

VW                  Volkswagen                                     people’s car

ADAC             Allgemeiner Deutscher                 General German Automobile Association


BRD                Bundesrepublik Deutschland     Federal Republic of Germany

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By |Dezember 29th, 2017|

gemeins. StammIrregular verbs
irreg 2

20 Common German Idioms to Sound Like a Native

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By |Dezember 6th, 2017|

veräppeln                                             to make fun of sb  

(Das) stimmt so!                               that’s all right, keep the change!

doof                                                      stupid

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tags 2

By |Dezember 4th, 2017|

-ical                                         – isch



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By |Dezember 3rd, 2017|

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